Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Top Tips From A Professional Fashion Expert On How To Manage Your New Wardrobe Better

There is nothing worse than looking at your clothes when you’re getting ready to go out and finding you “have nothing to wear” how many times has that happened you? And really, no matter how big your wardrobe is, unless you start to learn how to manage it well, you will always run into this problem. I hope I can give you some helpful tips to get more from your wardrobe.

Right on the top my number one tip for you is to think and plan in advance what you will wear for an upcoming event; finding something to wear as your getting ready will make it almost impossible to get your look right and time pressure from running late, if you’re like me, will more than likely push you to wear something you’re not 100% comfortable with. Having your clothes planed and ready will make actually getting ready so much less stressful and leave you more time, and we all need that, for your equally important make-up and hair.

With good planning in advance the clothes you choose to wear will make you feel great, a good look will give you confidence and make you stand out from the rest and not leave you feeling awkward and hiding at the back.

A important part of planning is to learn and understanding how to mix and match the clothes you have, coordinating your clothes well is an often overlooked skill, but when you have mastered it and know what goes well with what, it will make all of your clothes go further.

I have been buying clothes for some time professionally, I see many people buying new outfits without thinking about the clothes they already have and how these will match with them. Buying a new tops, for example, one that you can wear with items from your existing wardrobe will not only save you money it makes much more sense, cleverly recycling your clothes like this shows your smarter at fashion.

A great tips for learning about coordinating is while looking at the photos showing the garments on our site, you can get some very good ideas of mixing and matching by seeing what the models are wearing as an outfit and not just the garment listed, see how the models will have matched the item with other clothes (by the way all the clothes are usually taken from our items that we have) and try to see what you already own that you can add to this in the same way.

Another good idea is to have a look to see if the garment comes in different colors, looking at the same item in different colors you will see other ideas for coordinating, as without doubt the garments will have been mixed and matched again. Keep looking and learning this way until you understand the many different way one single item of clothing can be mixed and match again and again, this way the learning is easy, fun and without any pressure. 

Apart from buying clothes that can be swapped around with the ones you already have, try buying garments that will look great for a night out but can also be worn at another time when mixed with your day clothes.

Remember that clothes are meant to be fun, don’t get stressed about your wardrobe; by learning how to manage your clothes you’ll end up spending less time getting ready and more time having fun.

I enjoyed spending a few moments to tell you my ideas on planning and coordinating your clothes I hope I have given you some ideas that will help you learn about planning outfits together with mixing and matching your wardrobe, if you need some more tips you can always catch up with me on Facebook, where in case you haven’t guessed, I do like to chat!

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